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Interoperability and standards – the keys to efficiency, lower costs and global trade
Read the World Standards Cooperation eNewsletter.This issue looks at some examples of how standards facilitate interoperability in various sectors – and how lack of standardization can seriously hinder progress, security, communication, and so much of the way we lead our lives.
Portland, Oregon, United States, May 22-27 2011
SC4 61st Plenary MeetingISO TC 184/SC 4 is a committee of the International Standards Organization responsible for the development of international standards Industrial Data. These standards play a key role in the neutral exchange of data between competing applications as well as the long term preservation of informati..
Vico Equense (Italy) October 17 - 22, 2010
ISO TC 184/SC4 60th Plenary MeetingISO TC 184/SC 4 is a committee of the International Standards Organization responsible for the development of international standards Industrial Data. These standards play a key role in the neutral exchange of data between competing applications as well as the long term preservation o..
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May 27, 2010, Brussels, CEN ELSSI-EMD Workshop
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SC4 59th Plenary Meeting; June 6 - 11, 2010 , ISO TC 184/SC 4 Meeting, Bethlehem, Pennsylvania USA
June 11-12, 2009, Palermo, Università degli Studi, LCA Italian Network Conference
La Rete Italiana LCA, con il contributo di AssoSCAI (Associazione per lo Sviluppo della Competitività Ambientale di Impresa), istituisce un premio di 500 Euro per giovani ricercatori che abbiano sviluppato nuove linee di ricerca nel campo della metodologia LCA e della sua integrazione con altri strumenti di valutazione..
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September 2009, Heraklion (Crete), Europe INNOVA II Annual Partnering Event
This year’s Annual Partnering Event will be the official launch of the second phase of the initiative and will take place from 23 to 25 September 2009.
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June 3rd 2009, Brussels, the 1st Europe INNOVA Thematic Workshop under the title “Standards for innovative SMEs – From lessons to actions”
The workshop will bring together SDOs, the European Commission, intermediaries and stakeholders in the field of standardisation.The participants will explore and discuss how to implement actions in the field of market validation of standards, stimulate the use of standards by innovative SMEs and examine with SDOs the u..
May 17 - 22, 2009 Parksville, British Columbia, Canada - ISO TC 184/SC 4 Meeting
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